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Ace Your Essay With These 100+ Brilliant Comparison Essay Topics!



In today’s era where life is already very complicated, people want to make clear-cut decisions in every aspect. The same applies to writing an essay, students mostly prefer to go for comparison essays for direct discussion and to avoid any misconceptions. However, here is the most tricky part: selecting the right comparison essay topic.

According to the University of Waterloo, a great comparison essay not only highlights similarities and differences between two subjects but also engages the reader with meaningful insights. Your topic should spark thoughtful discussion by making one thing better than the other while keeping the comparison relevant and interesting.

Whether you are a school-going, college, or university student looking for some compelling comparison essay topics, here is an ultimate guide for you. In this article, we will share a list of 100+ topics to help you ace your essay brilliantly.

A List of 100+ Brilliant Comparison Essay Topics

A comparison essay is a form of writing where you compare and contrast the similarities and differences between two different subjects under discussion. It is meant to develop critical thinking skills as well as help students make a choice and defend it with solid arguments.

As choosing the right topic and writing a complete comparison essay is tough for students, they mostly prefer to seek essay help from an online essay writing service. These platforms provide quick and reliable assistance, putting students at ease to complete their essays excellently.

To assist you with the fine list of topics, the following are 100+ comparison essay topics to choose from at every stage.

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for Middle School

The University of Torontostates that comparative essays demand a fine and clear thesis statement to discuss two or more items in comparison. So, here are the basic level topics for your comparison essay:

  • What feels more effective, giving or receiving gifts?
  • Who has a more impact on children, parents or celebrities?
  • Which is more private: texting or face-to-face communication?
  • Which of them is more engaging: traditional board games or virtual reality games?
  • Which is easy to manage, either short or long hair?
  • In the case of dogs and cats, which is a better pet?
  • Which was the more powerful leader, Zeus or King Arthur?
  • Which is better, seeing a movie at home or in a theatre?
  • Do the leaders and school bullies behave similarly?
  • Which is more difficult to learn, riding a bike or driving a car?

Comparison Essay Topics for High School

  • A comparison of the leadership styles of Donald Trump and George W. Bush.
  • Who left a greater musical legacy, Prince or Michael Jackson?
  • Discuss that who was the greater innovator, Steve Jobs or Bill Gates?
  • Write facts about leaders which of the leaders was more capable, Winston Churchill or Abraham Lincoln?
  • What are Mahatma Gandhi’s and Nelson Mandela’s different strategies for activism?
  • Discuss the political leadership skills of both Theresa May and Margaret Thatcher.
  • What are the factors that differentiate a great teacher from a terrible one?
  • Talk about the characteristics of both Facebook and Instagram and which social media platform is superior.
  • Which is more suitable food for modern lifestyles: fast food or healthy food?
  • Which institute can provide you with an outstanding education, private or public institute?

Comparison Essay Topics for College Students

  • Talk about the benefits of both traditional and smart homes and which is best for modern living.
  • Briefly discuss, which is more difficult working or studying full time.
  • Discuss the challenging life of both high school and college.
  • What are the main differences between the styles of essay and research paper writing?
  • Which is more often used language: British English or American English?
  • Write the difference of the TOEFL and IELTS English proficiency tests on the basis of their benefits.
  • Which has a greater impact on the audience, rock or classical music?
  • Which is a more comfortable way of living for students like in a flat or a house.
  • Who faces more difficulties, full-time students or working students?

Comparison Essay Topics for University Students

At the university level, you need more in-depth study to complete your comparison essays. So, to make your writing more effective, you should follow expert tips for comparing and contrasting essays. But before that, choose an engaging topic from the options given below:

  • A comparison between storytelling and academic writing – which is more tricky to learn?
  • Short Hair vs. Long Hair – what is the demand of teenagers these days?
  • Thesis vs. dissertation – why is it different in the US and UK?
  • How can we tell the difference between lust and love?
  • What is the superior marketing strategy of Pepsi versus Coca-Cola?
  • What are the differences between the study and applications of geology and mineral science?
  • What is better for a good relationship – an in-person or online type of dating?
  • What would you prefer to leave for the rest of your life between salt vs. sugar due to its harmful effects?

Funny Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

You can make your writing more funny occasionally with a good laugh! To do this, you should try these comical comparison essay topics if you enjoy comedy, as they will make your work more interesting:

  • How can you waste your time watching Mr bean or funny recorded animal videos?
  • Discuss the categories of which kind of dog is most dangerous, including Maltese and pugs.
  • Highlight the major difference between Mrs Brown vs. Mrs. Doubtfire who is the best comedy artist?
  • Discuss the addictive behavior of both Flappy Bird and Angry Bird mobile games.
  • Compare the comedy legends Alan Harper vs. Mr. Bean who is the master of discomforts.

Comparison Essay Topics on Education and Career

  • Comparing the importance and value of e-learning with traditional classroom learning.
  • Comparing the funding and educational quality of public and private schools.
  • Highlighting the pay scales for bachelor’s and associate’s degrees.
  • Full-time vs. freelance work – what would you prefer along with your studies?
  • Workplace culture and prospects for advancement distinguish corporate jobs from start-up jobs.
  • Find out the opinions and realities of blue-collar versus white-collar jobs.

Comparison Essay Topics on Technology and Lifestyle

  • Comparing the portability and usefulness of laptops with tablets.
  • Compare iPhone vs Samsung – what would you prefer to buy and why?
  • Share your experiences with shopping online versus in-store.
  • Comparison of gasoline and electric vehicles’ cost and effects on the surroundings.
  • Simplicity to use and security are the main differences between smart and traditional homes.
  • Highlighting the benefits of digital vs. cash transactions.
  • What is better to perform – Online work or on-site work?
  • Share your reading preferences and daily routines by comparing e-readers versus physical books.
  • Comparing the functionality and style of fitness trackers and traditional watches.

Comparison Essay Topics on Science and Health

  • Ayurvedic vs. homeopathic medications – which is best to use with minimal side effects?
  • What is better to perform cardio exercises or strengthening workouts?
  • What is a more effective way to treat diseases – modern or traditional medicines?
  • The nutritional advantages and health dangers of eating organic versus processed food.
  • The promise and limitations of artificial intelligence in comparison to human intelligence.
  • Yoga vs. gym exercise: advantages for the body and mind.
  • AI vs the human mind – what is the benefit of humans?
  • Cost-effectiveness of services in public versus private health.
  • Effects on the environment and human health of a vegan diet vs a meat-based one.
  • The effectiveness and adverse consequences of mental health therapy against medication.

How to Pick the Right Comparison Essay Topic?

We all know that selecting the right comparative essay topic takes careful consideration of the detail of each subject; that’s why students often struggle to find an ideal one. To help you in this tricky part, here are some tips suggested by Wiregrass Libguides:

  • You should select a topic that interests you the most and creates a curiosity to solve the topic by facilitating the research process.
  • Make sure that you understand both subjects well and write a complete comparison by maintaining a balance between similarities and contrasts.
  • You should choose a topic for which thorough research materials are available. Remember that a strong essay is one that has sufficient proof.
  • Always go for some realistic and debatable topics. Here, you can talk about any current events, social concerns, or personal experiences.


Undoubtedly, finding the right comparison essay topic is a very challenging task for students as it demands to analyse two different subjects of the same category clearly. To help you write an excellent essay, here we have covered more than 100 topic ideas to initiate a meaningful conversation. By going through these suggestions and a guide to pick the right essay topic, you will be able to create an informative essay brilliantly.

In addition to this, if you ever get stuck during essay writing and need support, you should consult trustworthyessay writing firms in the UK. They have the right expertise and knowledge of this field and will help you write your essays excellently. So, start your journey toward crafting a well-structured essay by selecting an interesting and informative comparison essay topic today.

Author Bio

Gloria C. Lopez is a professional essay writerwho assists students in topic selection and writing different kinds of essays efficiently. Her 5 years of experience let her complete various comparison essays perfectly, and she also advises students on acing their essays. She has the ability to make your academic writing more impactful and winning.

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